Nestled in this cozy corner of the network is the updates log for all of's sites. All changes can be found here—big and small. Navigate the tags to view changes for specific sites.
If there's anything you'd like to comment on, feel free to speak to me directly or leave a note in my guestbook.

December 26th, 2016

illuminate grim fire in his eyes new wind messy, contradictory and true easy breezy run
Fire in his eyes, Grim, Illuminate, Run, Run to the world — All of these fanlistings received new shiny codes courtesy of Shinju!

Messy, contradictory and true — The emotions fanlisting also received new codes alongside a brand new layout. Thank you so much, Shinju! YOUR GIFTS ARE INCREDIBLE, AAAAAAAAHHHHH. Thank you again for being such an awesome Secret Santa. ( /)/////( ), Easy Breezy — New buttons courtesy of Masao, Santa's coolest elf. <3 Thank you so much for the gifts and for running such a fun event!

August 15th, 2016

easy breezy grim
After a few grueling nights of no sleep, Easy Breezy, my shrine to Tachibana Makoto (Free!) is now open! There's still more pages that I need to add, but I wanted to make sure I opened it on time for the Dynamic Duos Challenge. The topic can be found here, which also includes Lethe's partner shrine to Nanase Haruka!

Grim also got a new set of lovely buttons donated by the wonderful Megan. <3 Thank you so much!

July 23rd, 2016

Grim, the fanlisting for the Pokémon Duskull is now open!

I'll be tweaking the layout a bit and adding some more information as well as other buttons. Aside from that, everything else should be functioning!