Hail, wanderer! You've drifted to lost-boy.org, also affectionately known as the Rust and Stardust Network. This is a personal collection of sites belonging to me, Andrea. Sometimes I have a lot to say or a lot of love to express, and the projects below serve as repositories for all of that nonsense tl;dr to go. They're all in different stages of completion, and none of them can really be called finished, but shhh. Slowly but surely, right?
If you have any comments or questions regarding the domain or my sites, feel free to contact me or leave a note in my guestbook.
T Tachibana Makoto Easy Breezy When I began watching Free!, I fell for Makoto immediately. He's caring, gentle, loves animals—and is just full of warmth! This shrine was created for Amassment's Dynamic Duos Challenge, and I'll never forget the slice of birthday pie I had after spending all night working on this site—right before the due date. You know. As you do. (Yes, the pie was delicious!) Since August 2016. |
I don't maintain as many fanlistings as I used to, but the ones I still have are very dear to my heart. I even hope to expand some of them into shrines one day! All are listed at either The Fanlistings or Anime Fanlistings. ✗ = in need of a new layout / major edits